Club night Monday 2nd April

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez – Our guest speaker at the April meeting was David Squire, the Poole Town Crier. He entertained us with an interesting talk covering the history of town crying, from the age of the Romans to the present time.

April 2nd was a major anniversary for David, as it was 54 years ago to the day that he first started as a crier, in Poole, then aged 15.  He has travelled far and wide carrying out his duties and related some of the stories of the personalities that he has met during his working life.

David attended our meeting dressed in his very colourful regalia, which is made for him, at his own expense and over the years he has spent well in excess of £12,000 on his regalia, his current hat alone costing £400. In the past David has twice won the award of “Best Dressed Town Crier” and is currently the world’s second longest serving town crier.

David Squire – Poole Town Crier

