The Motoring Extravaganza at Breamore House

The annual Motoring Extravaganza organised by Poole Bay Classics took place on Sunday July 19th. We booked a large stand, erected the club event shelter (welcome relief from the sun) and waited for members to arrive. We were not disappointed, members who had received a free pass started to arrive and we set about arranging the placing of their cars on the stand. The layout of the stand was a little different this year and proved to meet the judges requirements, as the club won the award for the best club stand for the second year running. Even greater success awaited Pat Lodge and Chris Adamson, they were awarded the “Chairman’s Award” for their lovely 1952 MG YB.  Well done to you both and to all our attendees for helping to make the day a success. Thank you all.

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Pat and Chris with their award

 See gallery for more Extravaganza pictures
